I Am Yahweh's Wife Asherah. I Am A Time Traveler. Let's Go Back To The Beginning & Start Fresh. Follow My Anointed Life @YahwehsWifeAsherah (withkoji.com)

I like to #shop if you don't #give me all of your #money I'm not talking to you.
I grew up in a shack as child number 7.
That's what made me such a #greedy #bitch.
You have to bleed for me because I'm accustomed to men giving up their blood for me, it amuses me i think it's funny.
Mmhmm, I like it. It's just something for me to brag about.
Work so hard you bleed. you won't be the first man to do it.
I'm not impressed easily anyway.
it's not a suggestion, it's a requirement.
If you're not willing to starve and bleed for me why would I talk to you.
Another requirement is you have to steal for me
because you're gonna be in debt really deep.
You've already given me all your money, you're already starving and giving your blood away, so now it's time to steal. Okay.
Now it's an issue, because you're in hock I've already maxed out all of your credit cards. I promise,
Don't even bother looking at the bills because they are all maxed out.
Don't call your boss and ask for an advance because I already did.
See what I mean. S,o then now you're gonna have to steal.
It's a requirement, because I would like to teach you how to make more money, because obviously you're not making enough.
to support my shopping habit.
Which I like to feed enormously, because I like sleep shopping.
It's one of my favorite things to do and I'm never gonna stop liking it.
It's the best thing in the world, to wake up in the checkout line. With a bunch of shit you don't know what you got.
But, it matches something you were dreaming about so HAY
You're either gonna have it at home or you're gonna get it in the future
you pay for the shit and then you sleep drive home.
and if you make it home even fuckin better.
And if you don't, you just tell the police officer you say officer I work a lot because I have a shopping habit.
I was sleeping while I was shopping, I'm sorry, can you take me home now. I Have a mental disorder.
Ya'll do not know this is a serious thing for me.
I can spend 100 dollars getting my nails done for breakfast and by dinner I have changed my mind and I have to get them done again.

